SAC Arts presents…

A monthly showcase

Noreen Mason

Pets are our treasured companions, our loyal friends, our beloved responsibilities — they are family members. Noreen Mason currently faces unexpected and very severe physical health challenges, and her preferred therapy is to make the art you will see below: stylish, lively, happy and frankly gorgeous representations of these furry loved ones. Each painting takes about two days of committed work. When she can meet the pups and kittens (of all ages) that go with these faces, the love is obvious — and it comes through in her paintings whether she has had that opportunity in person or not.

I feel certain that many or all of you will feel the same warmth I feel when I look at these paintings and think about the mutual bonds that inspired someone to ask for a portrait of their own. I asked Noreen what I could share about her current situation:

“In 2018 I started to feel a pain in my feet; that started to work its way up my legs, and then I started to lose my balance. At first, I was diagnosed with diabetes, but then that got better and I started losing muscle mass. My neuromuscular disorder is called CIDP (chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy) — it’s rare, and it is killing my nerves. I do plasma infusions every three weeks. CIDP ate 85% of my muscle mass, and 6 months ago I couldn’t open a bottle of water. I have gained the courage to paint again after 2 years, but with my hands it’s hard to make the paintings super clean, so I trust the water colors — and the dogs pretty much paint themselves. It takes my mind off of the pain, and helps my hands. My dog Vala is my cheerleader! I’m now going to therapy to learn how to walk again.”

If you are interested in having a pet portrait painted, please contact Noreen here:

Depending upon the number of commissions and how she is feeling, a painting can be completed in a couple of days; shipping time will vary. Rather than a formal fee structure, donations are requested to commission a portrait (please be reasonable, respectful, and considerate!)

Venmo: @Noreen-Mason
Instagram: @missnoreen462



a special hello to:

